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Our Vision and Values


Transforming Companies and Empowering People.

Through our breakthrough transformational products and services, that add significant benefits to its clients, the world and raise personal, corporate and global consciousness.



  • Empowerment
    Creating the environment which unleashes human potential and enables people to do what is required to achieve their own greatness.

  • Value
    Whatever we do is about going above and beyond giving value to our clients.

  • Trust
    Trust in the process. Trust the answer is always there and we are just the vehicle to access it.


Christo Norden-Powers

Director of transformation and organisational change.

Christo Norden-Powers comes with over 35 years experience:

He is a former criminal trial Lawyer & Barrister who developed an interest in human performance and meditation.

He trained and coached Australian Olympic athletes, in how to generate and maintain peak performance states using both Eastern and Western techniques.

His work then quickly spread to companies that were interested in developing peak performance in their people, and soon after to the development of organisational change and corporate cultures that generate and support sustained high performance. Christo left the legal profession to pursue his interest in transforming companies


Christo and colleagues designed and implemented one of the largest corporate cultural change projects in the southern hemisphere. The team trained 14,000 people in a hands-on change process that ultimately led Christo to develop the powerful and highly effective MasterProcess (coaching and change facilitation process)


Christo has provided coaching to

  1.  business leaders and executives (Directors, CEOs, CFOs, Governance, Operations, HR/OD), across a range of industries including finance, telecommunications, IT, Marketing, Retail, Transport, Primary Industry.

  2.  professionals (Accountant, Legal, Engineering, Financial Advice)

Training Executive Coaches

Christo has trained executive coaches at various coaching institutes, and in-house executive coaching teams in large organisations including:

  • The Institute of Executive Coaching Australia

  • The Life Coaching Academy (Business/Executive Coaching Modules)

  • Shirlaws Coaching

  • B&Q (UK)

  • Metropolitan Police ('Scotland Yard'), London.



 The missing link: by Virginia Mansell


Inquisitive mind


Powerful Questions


To ask or not to ask


Powerful questions- accountants


The name Spandah:

The name Spandah is a sanskrit term - Spanda translates to mean a vibration, movement or motion, referring to waves of activity.

It is the initial spark/energy/life force that started the universe. It is the primordial energy that reveals itself in our every experience, and orients through thought and intention. It is the first stage of awareness before it crystalizes into the reasoning process.


Van Der Westhuizen

Systemic Constellations Facilitator and Trainer. Life and Business Coach


Edwina has more than 20 years' experience in systems and process improvement, training, coaching and facilitation, Including:

  • operational consulting

  • Trainer and facilitator

  • Life coaching

  • Business Coach,

  • Organisational Systems Dynamics.

There is nothing more rewarding than stretching someone beyond what they thought was possible. When they realise they had the potential all along but they just hadn’t accessed it yet.

When that happens with a whole team or company the impact is infectious. The team or company become unstoppable.


Systemic Constellations website

Systemic Law website 



Our team

Our team of consultants have a wide range of qualifications


We use the best of the best consultants, with expertise and experience across various industries. Enabling us to achieve the best results for you.

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